Sunday, January 6, 2013

Giant's Castle

We arrived in Johannesburg the evening of December 30th. From there we took the 5 hour drive up into the Drakensburg Mountains to stay at Giant' Castle. The Kwa Zulu-Natal region is striking unlike any mountains that I have ever seen. Rolling hills stretch across the veld in a seemingly endless carpet of grass and wild flowers.

Apartheid ended some 20 years ago now, yet this place still feels segregated-- stuck in its ways. Relics of the time still linger. Sings that read "right of entrance reserved." Society here as I have observed stratifies white from black, coloured, etc. I have yet to see a single Afrikaner working a crappy job.

But the people are vibrant and happy none the less. I have struggled with the clicks and tonalities of the Zulu language, but whenever I try, they want to correct me and teach me more. They move to the rythym of life, surrounded by music from when the sun rises to when the sun sets.

I travel next to Bobanango to spend 5 days in the South African Bush.

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